A Private Correspondence

The original letter was written in pencil on bond paper and was sent in about 1941 by Cecil Todd Knight to her younger sister, Barbara. Cecil was about 21 years old and living at her parents' home, Brookside, in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts.


Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 11:14:05 -0500
From: "Murray-CH{Craig-HSW206}"craig_murray@harte-hanks.com
To: tay@timestream.com
Subject: Found Letters...


The letters I sent you were found in a very old mahogany writing box. I'm not sure what else to call the box but it has been in our family since the beginning of time. Some of our "family elders" may know from where it came, anyway, beneath the inside writing surface was a compartment that had several letters and photos dating back to the 40's and 50's. Growing up, I always knew they were there. When Mother passed away in '95, I got the box. It was three years after I got the box did I decide to open it and look at the letters. It looks like mom kept the two letters from Aunt Cecil along with a great love letter from my dad to mom. "My darling Barbie" he wrote, oh my, it was so funny!! I found the business card of Grandfather, the photo of your mom on the beach. I will keep searching to see what other treasures are in there...

I am the keeper of the family archives for the Murrays. When the folks passed away, I got all of the old scrap books that Mother did and the photos from way back to present. I will continue to search and share other treasures.

Much love to the "Knights"
